Protecting Mountain Bluebirds, Tree Swallows and other secondary, cavity nesters
Calgary Area NestBox Monitors Society
Dedicated to building and posting nest boxes for monitoring and conservation of Mountain Bluebird habitat in Alberta.
Mountain Bluebird populations have been declining over the years from loss of habitat and competition with other bird species. Nest boxes provide a crucial solution to this problem by offering safe and secure places for bluebirds to build their nests, lay their eggs, and raise their young.
Try NestWatch
it is a great way to record your data if you are interested in monitoring. It’s easy to use, FREE!, and fun for all ages. By using NestWatch, you can contribute to a nationwide database that helps scientists track the status and trends of breeding bird populations.
Trail Monitoring
Find out about what our trail monitors do and what kind of data they collect.
Annual Reports
See what we’ve been up and what we’ve accomplished.
Learn About Bluebirds
Learn about the mountain bluebird and why we’re working hard to protect them.